Happy Birthday Cedarcrest!
Throughout this year we will be celebrating this great milestone through many special activities, communications and events.
May-August 75 Days of Cedarcrest on Facebook and Instagram-Like/follow our pages to see seven decades of images FB @Cedarcrestcenter IG Cedarcrest4kids
June 7 & 8 NHGives fundraiser. Support our mission by donating $100 to honor a special year for you or one of the 75 years of Cedarcrest’s commitment to children and families. NHGives.com
August 13th Come Back to the Hive BBQ
We are welcoming all who have a connection to Cedarcrest to join us and celebrate with a Carolina BBQ and activities for all ages. Live music, Amazing Grace Animal Sanctuary, Historical exhibits and movie. 1-3 pm. Please RSVP to Patty Farmer 603-358-3389 pfarmer@cedarcrestcenter.org.